Marriage On The Rocks
Ready to transform your relationship into something effortless and amazing? Meet Seth and Crystal, certified relationship coaches who are on a mission to prove that good relationships don’t have to be hard work. They launched the Marriage on the Rocks podcast in 2018, inspired by their own experiences. They realized that true love thrives when it’s nurtured with joy, authenticity, and ease. Every episode is filled with their brutal honesty , valuable lessons, and actionable advice to help you discover a happy, healthy, and effortless relationship. The “Marriage on the Rocks” name is a fun reference to the signature cocktails that Seth and Crystal drink each week while they discuss the current challenges and issues that relationships face today. So pour you and your partner a drink and join them every Tuesday for new episodes! Cheers!
Marriage on the Rocks
Join us each week as we pour ourselves a drink and discuss our thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences on dating, marriage, and relationships! If you want to continue to have an ”ordinary” relationship, this isn’t the podcast for you. We are here to tell you that good relationships DON’T take hard work, bad relationships do. Cheers!
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Why People Hate Being Married-Part 2: Men
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Some people love being married and others absolutely despise it! Last week Seth and Crystal told you some of the reasons why women hate being married, and surprisingly there was enough to tell you that it warranted it's own episode, well this week they're now wanting to tell you the reasons that men hate being married. These are real people that have spoke up and said something, it's just surprising that if you hate being married so much WHY ARE YOU STILL MARRIED? Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
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Tuesday May 26, 2020
Why People Hate Being Married-Part 1: Women
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Marriage is supposed to be a lifelong loving commitment between two people. A commitment of love, passion, and happiness. Truth be told, not everyone experiences the wonderful feelings of being married, AND some people down right HATE being married! In this episode Seth and Crystal finish off the month of Rock Town Whiskey and discuss reasons why people hate being married. There was so much to discuss on this topic that this is only part one of a two part series. Hope you enjoy the reasons why WOMEN hate being married and next week they'll tell you why men hate being married. Cheers!
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Signs You're Not Over Your Ex
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
We all have past relationships, and most of those relationships mold us into the current partners that we are today. We all naturally compare our current partner to our exes, but sometimes those natural comparisons can be signs that you're really not over your ex. In this week's episode Seth and Crystal sip on Rock Town Bourbon and discuss some signs that you might not be over your ex. Some of these signs are easy enough to recognize, but others you may not even realize you're doing until you hear what Seth and Crystal have to say. Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
Tuesday May 05, 2020
A Look Back!
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
100 episodes! It's been two years and 100 episodes recorded, so what better time to look back at your favorite episodes, or specifically most listened to and most watched episodes than now? Seth and Crystal tell you their top five favorite episodes as well. It's always fun to reminisce and talk about how things all started. It's been a fun two years and things are only going to get better! Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Quarantine Casualties
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Just a few weeks ago some statistics came out about the divorce rate sky rocketing during this coronavirus quarantine in specific parts of the world. Seth and Crystal were predicting that it was going to hit the United States in no time. WELL, needless to say, their predictions were correct! In this episode they share a couple of stories from their listeners that are dealing with this first hand. Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Sexy Role Play For Couples
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
With everyone having to spend so much time together, why not make it fun and spice up your sex life? In this episode, Seth and Crystal discuss some fun role play ideas for couples, some may be easy to pull off and others might need a little more imagination. Either way, it's always fun to try something new...even if it means feeling a little embarrassed around your partner. So get that note pad out and maybe even a cowgirl hat and be ready to write down some of these sexy ideas to try out with your partner! Hope y'all enjoy this episode, cheers!
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Complainers Gonna Complain
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Have you ever known someone that just seems to complain about everything, but doesn't want a solution? Imagine being with a partner that did nothing but complain, what if you are that partner that is the complainer? This week Seth and Crystal sip on Sparks wine and discuss how they feel about complainers. Yes, it's okay to vent or complain every now and then, but when you make it a habit of doing nothing but complaining, that's where it becomes a problem. So sit down and listen to this episode, cause chances are you know someone like this and that someone may be you. Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
With everything that is going on in the world right now things can be getting very stressful! People are getting laid off from their jobs, some are working in the front line being exposed to not only the virus but stressed out people, some are being forced to work from home, having to now home school their kids, and also has us worrying about things like, how are we going to pay the bills? How are we going to be able to put food on the table? Do we have enough toilet paper? The list goes on and on. This week Seth and Crystal wanted to discuss when major life changing events like this happen how it can take a big toll on couples and their relationship. Divorce rates are shooting through the roof because of this pandemic, it's already went up an additional 50% in certain areas! Seth and Crystal think that with this time being "stuck" at home together can either make or break your relationship, so how are you going to handle it? This time is hard enough, let's not take things out on our partners! Love each other! Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
Want our drink recipes? Be sure to join our Marriage on the Rocks Speakeasy Facebook group!
Need relationship coaching, fitness routines, and more? Check out our website!
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Sometimes You Don't Fit In
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Have you ever been told that you don't fit in? It's a statement that you can't help but wonder, "Why not?" In this week's episode Seth and Crystal tell you all of the dirty details about Crystal being told by her most recent employer that she "just isn't a good fit". To be honest this was more of a therapeutic episode for Seth and Crystal to just let it all out, so if you're looking for relationship advice, this isn't the episode for you to listen to, but if you want to hear a good story be sure to stick around! Hope you enjoy this episode, cheers!
Want our drink recipes? Be sure to join our Marriage on the Rocks Speakeasy Facebook group!
Need relationship coaching, fitness routines, and more? Check out our website!
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Is it Really Romantic?
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Being Romantic is a good thing right? You would think that question would be an easy one to answer, but really some things that one person may find sexy or romantic their partner thinks the exact opposite! This week Seth and Crystal go over a list of things you may be doing for your partner that YOU think are romantic or sexy but frankly, your partner CAN'T STAND! Seth and Crystal understand that some of these things people may genuinely enjoy, but what it all boils down to is knowing your partner and knowing exactly what they really DO like. Hope ya'll enjoy this episode, cheers!
Want our drink recipes? Be sure to join our Marriage on the Rocks Speakeasy Facebook group!
Need relationship coaching, fitness routines, and more? Check out our website!